Why Kenya Is More Than Just a Cheaper Surrogacy Destination?

One of the first things people think about surrogacy before taking the first step is the cost. This is where Kenya has attracted interest as a surrogacy destination mostly due to its cost relative to other nations. But emphasizing just cost ignores the several other factors that draw intended parents to Kenya. Kenya provides a supportive legal framework, quality medical treatment, and a friendly environment that makes it a reasonable and fulfilling choice for surrogacy in addition to a less expensive surrogate mother cost in Kenya . 1. Cheaper cost, yet Excellent Medical Treatment Although the cost of the surrogate mother in Kenya is less than in many Western nations, this does not mean a compromise in quality. Modern facilities and seasoned medical professionals staff the surrogacy centre in Kenya. These clinics guarantee high standards of treatment, so ensuring that the baby and the surrogate mother get the best possible medical attention all during the pregnancy. Apart from...