4 Infertility Myths and Actual Truths

Infertility is one of the most confusing issues in the lives of couples. When couples are not able to conceive, it brings out confusions and guilt surrounding the problem of infertility.
However, there is a lack of information about infertility. In fact, many people have misconceptions, which lead to complications.

Knowing the truths regarding infertility can help you choose the right approach towards its solutions.

Myth #1: Let nature decide when you can get pregnant.

Truth: Certain planning is important to successfully get pregnant. Sexual intercourse regularly increases the chances of pregnancy. However, you can further enhance the chances by counting the monthly cycle of your female partner. The time period between the 12th-16th days of the female’s cycle presents the brightest chances of conceiving a child. The sperms stay healthy and alive for about 2 days, which is also a factor a couple should think about.

Myth #2: Having more sex or intense sex is a perfect formula for getting pregnant.
Truth: There is some truth in the relation between the quality-quantity of sex and getting pregnant. However, this is not a sure shot formula, which you can feel confident about. You should pick the 3rd week of female’s ovulation to improve the possibility of pregnancy. Then, the quality and quantity factors come into play.

Myth #3: Only women go through infertility
Truth: Mostly, the infertility problem is associated with women only. However, that is not true at all. Even a man can go through the problem of infertility. Accepting this is important, so you can choose the right way of resolving it. Reputed clinics provide infertility consultation and diagnosis for couples. This is the safest and most practical way to find out the real cause of the problem. When compared on the basis of gender, women, and men both can show the signs of having infertility issues. In men, the common signs can be low motility and low count of sperms. The motility is about the movement of sperms available in one ejaculated sample. The movement shows that they are alive and healthy. Also, the count of sperms is calculated in one ejaculated sample.

Myth #4: With age, only women lose their fertility
Truth: As women age, their ability to conceive decreases. Which is why the pregnancy can have many complications? But the problems aren’t just associated with the females only. Even male partners face the issues of infertility due to aging. As men age, they lose the sperm motility along with the sperm count. So, the problems related to age-associated infertility are possible in men as well as women.

Using these truths, you can now make up your mind about receiving the right kind of treatment. First of all, meet a qualified doctor and go through the recommended tests. After that, you can decide the way of treatment or choose the path of surrogacy if required.
Hopefully, this article has made you clearer about the problem of infertility in women as well as men.


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