Searching the surrogate mother: How to proceed towards the same during a surrogacy arrangement?

When a couple decides to proceed with a Surrogacy program, the first and most toughest challenge that comes upfront is regarding - "finding a surrogate mother" to help them with their parenthood dreams. As of now, there are two ways to look for a surrogate mother: By looking everything by you or taking the help from a surrogate agency. Searching for a surrogate mother yourself In the event that you are an intended parent who is looking for a surrogate mother without managing with a surrogacy agency, you can either search for it in your friends or family circles or take the help from various public forums or discussion panels on the social media. As it will require some good time and efforts from your end, the greater part of the experts suggests managing with a surrogacy agency for a similar reason. Searching for a surrogate by dealing with a surrogacy agency Searching for the surrogate mother through a single parent surrogacy agency can take most of the pain and p...