Searching the surrogate mother: How to proceed towards the same during a surrogacy arrangement?


When a couple decides to proceed with a Surrogacy program, the first and most toughest challenge that comes upfront is regarding - "finding a surrogate mother" to help them with their parenthood dreams. As of now, there are two ways to look for a surrogate mother: By looking everything by you or taking the help from a surrogate agency.

Searching for a surrogate mother yourself

In the event that you are an intended parent who is looking for a surrogate mother without managing with a surrogacy agency, you can either search for it in your friends or family circles or take the help from various public forums or discussion panels on the social media. As it will require some good time and efforts from your end, the greater part of the experts suggests managing with a surrogacy agency for a similar reason.

Searching for a surrogate by dealing with a surrogacy agency

Searching for the surrogate mother through a single parent surrogacy agency can take most of the pain and pressure from your life and daily routine.  They can then put the required focus on their day by day work and needs while the agency is dealing with every aspect regarding their surrogacy journey.

As of now, before you manage with any surrogacy agency, the most basic thing you ought to be ensured of is the competency and background of the surrogacy agency. To get a confirmation on the same, you can check for all the good words and feedbacks given by their past clients and patients.

Along these lines, not just you can remain guaranteed of the quality of service you will be getting, it will additionally promise you with a guarantee in regards to every aspect and element in regards to your surrogacy journey.

Since you have made up your mind regarding same sex surrogacy canada, you can now proceed with the task related to the search of the surrogate mother.

Finalizing the surrogate mother

In a nation like Kenya, surrogate mothers often like to stay with their families during the entire pregnancy period. In terms of other countries like Georgia, Ukraine and Australia, the situation is different altogether. Regardless of the country, state or region, you must look for a surrogate mother that fulfill the below criteria.


             The Surrogate mother must be aged between 25-29 years 

             The Surrogate mother must have successfully delivered a child

             She ought to bring a decent Body mass index (BMI) that is quite a pre-requisite for the healthy delivery of the child 

             She must be getting all the support from her family regarding her decision related to surrogacy

             She ought to be a citizen from a country that permits surrogacy

             She must not be coming onboard with any physical or mental health issues

             She must not be bringing any addiction of alcohol or smoking


At the point when the surrogate mother has been finalized, she would now been screened and coordinated according to the needs and requirements of the intended parents. The cycle will at that point incorporate the embryo transfer process where the surrogate mother will be inseminated with the embryo formed out of the eggs and sperms from the intended parents.

Prior to that, there should be an agreement drawn between the surrogate mother and the intended parent. This arrangement will incorporate all the duties and responsibilities of the parties involved in the surrogacy in usa.


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